tag.link is a platform for NFC Tags remote management.
info PLEASE NOTE: to use this additional service, you need to purchase some NFC Tags. Please select the exact number of NFC Tags to be programmed with the tag.link service. See below for chip information.
Imagine being able to modify the link to which a Tag refers without having it physically in hand. Imagine having to program thousands of tags, divided by type. Imagine that maybe in a month you should reprogram them with a different link.
tag.link allows you to do all this for free, in seconds and with just a few clicks.
How tag.link works
The service is free in combination with the purchase of NFC tags. Each Tag is programmed with a unique link that is managed via a web control panel. The customer, by logging in, can easily select a certain number of tags and assign them a specific function, which can also be changed later, always remotely.
The tag.link platform is completely free. What you are buying is the NFC Tags encoding service (one-time cost).
Key benefits
Remote management of tens of thousands of NFC tags
Completely free for Shop NFC customers
No reference to Shop NFC
User-friendly interface
Advanced performance
To guarantee reliability, speed and security to tag.link, we have chosen the best. The service is hosted by Amazon AWS servers and uses NoSQL databases.
Function 1 - Redirect
The Redirect function of tag.link allows you to massively manage small and huge quantities of tags, modifying the link that is opened in the browser when the tag is scanned with a smartphone. This function is particularly useful for managing marketing campaigns, where it is necessary to modify the destination of a link without necessarily having to withdraw the tags used previously.
The tag.link's "Tag Tamper" function is available for all NFC tags with NTAG213 TT chip. These chips, in fact, are able to detect if they have been tampered and, if so, return a message different from the initial one. Programming an NTAG213 TT chip is usually a cumbersome, time-consuming process. With tag.link, on the other hand, it is possible to remotely manage the programming of large quantities of tags, both for the main message and for the message after tampering.
Function 3 - DNA
The tag.link's "DNA" function is available for all NFC Tags with NTAG4xx DNA chip. These chips, in fact, are cloning-proof, as a 'disposable' token is generated at each scan. DNA-type chips allow you to easily certify the authenticity of a product associated with it: the end customers can verify the authenticity of the Tag with their phones with no need to download any specific application.
Function 4 - Editor
The tag.link "Editor" function is available for any type of NFC Tag. This function allows you to create your own online page, hosted by tag.link, which can be modified independently by the customer using a simple WYSIWYG editor. It is similar to Function 1 - Redirect, but instead of redirecting you to a pre-existing URL, it allows you to add content that is publicly reachable, without linking to other websites.
Coming soon
Dual frequency tag.link for logistics
Please note
The advantage of tag.link is based on the fact that you can edit the destination of its link, massively and without physically having the Tag in hands. Leaving the memory rewritable, or even open to adding new NDEF records, could compromise its main function. As a result, the Tag's memory is locked.
tag.link is a platform for NFC Tags remote management.
info PLEASE NOTE: to use this additional service, you need to purchase some NFC Tags. Please select the exact number of NFC Tags to be programmed with the tag.link service. See below for chip information.