A Tag in Cloud is in an NFC Tag encoded to open a web page customizable by the customer with text, images and video. The web page is available for anyone who taps the Tag in Cloud with an NFC-enabled device. No applications required.
How Tag in Cloud works
Once you receive your Tag in Cloud, just tap it with an NFC smartphone or tablet and follow the instructions. You will be asked an email address and a password to have permission to change the web page. Then you can add text, images, and embed a video.
What Tag in Cloud includes
- NFC sticker with Tag in Cloud logo, already encoded
- Link to web page editable by the customer
- Responsive Web Design, for an optimal visualization also with a mobile phone
- Web Hosting for an unlimited time
- Ability to insert text, images and embed a video from YouTube
Technical features
A Tag in Cloud contains an Ntag Series NFC chip, with universal compatibility: it can be read by any NFC smartphone or tablet.
Warning: Tag in Cloud needs an internet connection on the device that reads it.
For more information: www.tagincloud.com